He stressed that decisions regarding sovereign positions, including the governor of the Bank, must be taken by legitimate and constitutional bodies
KhalifaHaftar has conveyedhisopposition to therecentdecisionbythePresidential Council (PC) to appoint new managementforthe Central Bank of Libya (CBL). Haftarexpressedhisstanceduring a meeting with Stephanie Koury, theActing Head of theUnitedNationsSupportMission in Libya (UNSMIL).
The meeting at Haftar’s office in Rajma, Benghazi, focusedonthecurrentpoliticalsituation in Libya and theongoing crisis surroundingthe CBL.
According to Haftar’s media office, theformeremphasizedtheimportance of preservingthe CBL as a keyinstitution and stressedthatdecisionsregardingsovereign positions, includingtheBank’sGovernor, should be madebylegitimate and constitutionalbodies.
Haftarcriticizedwhat he described as «illegalactions» takenbyentities he considerslacking in legitimacy, holding themresponsibleforthe crises facingtheLibyanpeople as a result of thesedecisions.
UN envoyKouryreaffirmedtheUnitedNations’ commitment to supportingefforts to maintaintheCBL’s status and internationalcredit. Shealsohighlightedtheimportance of consensusbetweenLibya’sHouse of Representatives and the High Council of Stateonthe position of the Central Bank Governor.
The meeting concludedwithbothpartiesagreeing to continuediscussions and consultations in thefuture.