/ Adeje
Duringthe meeting, according to thespokesmanfortheHouse of Representatives, AbdullahBelhaq, thelatestdevelopments in thesituation in Libyawerediscussed
Speaker of theHouse of Representatives, AguilaSaleh, stressedthecontinuation of cooperation and communicationwiththeUnitedNationsmission and theinternationalcommunity, and theHouse of Representatives’ commitment to thepoliticalagreement and theoutcomes of the 6+6 Committee and everythingthatwouldendthepoliticaldivision and achievethewill of theLibyans to organizepresidential and parliamentaryelections.
Thiscameduringhis meeting in his office in thecity of Al-QubbahonThursday, withtheDeputySpecialRepresentative of theSecretary-General and Acting Head of theUnitedNationsSupportMission in Libya, «Stephanie Khoury».
Duringthe meeting, according to thespokesmanfortheHouse of Representatives, Abdullah Belhaq, the la test developments in thesituation in Libya were discussed, especiallythoserelated to the Central Bank of Libya, where theneed to calmthesituationwasemphasized in a way thatensuresthatthework of themostimportantfinancialinstitution in the country isnotnegativelyaffected, so that the formation of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank isproceededwith in accordan cewith the applicable legislation.
The meeting alsoemphasizedtheneed to make more efforts and endeavorsfromvariousparties to resume thepoliticalprocess in a waythat leads to anagreement to unifytheexecutiveauthority and form a unifiedgovernment to proceed to organizepresidential and parliamentaryelections as soon as possible.
Forherpart, Stephanie Khourystressedhercontinuous and seriousefforts to rebuild trust betweenthevariouspartiesbybringingviewpointsclosertogether.