34.8 C
miércoles, septiembre 11, 2024

US callsforend to Libya oilblockadeimmediately

Soldecanarias.net / Internacional

Advises and continues to advise the creation of a temporary Libyan mechanism

The US saiditisdeeplyconcernedbythecontinuedoilshutdown, whichisdeprivingLibyans of substantialrevenue, contributing to increasingprices, and could lead to electricityblackouts, watersupplyproblems, and fuel shortages.

“Thedamagetheshutdowniscausing to oilinfrastructurewillcostLibyaadditionalmillions, risksanenvironmentaldisaster, and couldimpactthecountry’sability to utilizethisinfrastructure in thefuture to reachits full productionpotential. ResponsibleLibyanleadersmustrecognizethattheshutdownharmsLibyansthroughoutthe country and has repercussionsacrossthe global economy, and shouldenditimmediately.” The US embassysaid in a statement.

The US reminded  Libyanleaders of themultipleUNSCRsthatprotecttheNationalOilCorporation and reaffirmsourcommitment to workwithLibyanleaderson a mechanismthatwillgivetheLibyanpeopleconfidencethatthecountry’srevenues are beingdistributedforthebenefit of theLibyanpeople.

“Prior to theshutdown, theUnitedStateshadrecommendedan incremental transfer of revenuesubject to monitoring and oversightby a Libyan-led financialmechanism; however, Libyanleadersindependentlydecided to make more substantialtransfers. TheUnitedStatesconsiderstheshutdown of Libyanoilproduction to be a hasty response thathurtstheLibyanpeople and underminesinternationalconfidence in Libya as a responsible actor in the global economy.” Thestatementreads.

Itsaidthe US advised and continues to advisethecreation of a temporaryLibyanfinancialmechanismwithbroadsupport to addresshowLibya’srevenuesshould be spent in theabsence of anagreednationalbudget.

“Such a mechanismcould be usedbyLibyanauthorities to givetheLibyanpeopleconfidenceregardinghowoilrevenuesfromtheNationalOilCorporationwould be used and to preventthediversion of fundsforpartisanpoliticalpurposesthatcouldundermineLibya’speace and security. Werecommendthemechanism be designed to allowLibyans to ensurethepayment of criticalexpendituresforthepeoplewiththehighestdegree of transparency. In order to build trust, allpartiesmustknowwhen and to whomfunds are transferred to financetheagreedexpenditures.” Thestatementindicated.

ItunderscoredthatLibya’swealthshouldserveLibyansthroughoutthe country, sayingthat no outsider should decide thefate of Libyanresources and anymechanismmustonlyallowanavenueforLibyans to findagreementamongthemselves and avoidunnecessaryeconomicdisruptionsthatonlyserve to hurtallLibyans.

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