He highlighted the commitment to the deadlines stipulated in the
roadmap and the work to finalize transition stages and prepare for elections
Thecandidateforthe position of Prime Minister, FathiBashagha, has pledgednot to run in theupcomingpresidentialelections, stressingthat he wouldconsideranyminister in hisgovernmentwhointends to do so as independent.
Duringthepresentation of hisprogrambeforetheHouse of Representatives (HoR), Bashaghastressedthecommitment to the time periodsstipulated in theroadmap and work to endthetransitionalstages and prepare fortheelections.
He indicatedthat no achievementwill be achievedwithoutthesupport of theHoR, thestate and citizens, stressingthatthegovernment’sgoals are to unifyinstitutions, especiallythemilitary and security, praisingthedistinguished role of theJointMilitaryCommission 5 + 5 to unifythemilitaryinstitutions.
“Everyonesuffersfromthedeterioration of publicservices in terms of health and electricity and the decline of theeducationalprocess”, he added, stressingthatwhatLibyalacksispoliticalreconciliationbasedon true nationalparticipation.